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From: "neil o'rourke" <>
Subject: Moving Bitplanes
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 08:16:42 +1000 (EST)
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> > >
> > > How can I move an individual bitplane in a bitmap??
> > >
> > What do you mean exactly, "move an individual bitplane in a bit map"?
> > You can simulate this effect by having a large off-screen bitmap, and
> > copy over (or blit over) the section needed into the specified bitmap.
> > If this is what you want, I've written some code to allow you use the
> > blitter for this purpose.
> What I would like, is to be able to draw into a specific bitplane
> (using BitPlanesBitMap), and then scrolling this individual
> bitplane around on top of the existing bitmap.
> I would greatly appreciate looking at your code, to see if that
> does the trick! Thanks.
I don't know if this is really what you want, but it might give you
ideas. This code uses the blitter directly to move data around a
bitplane, and could simulate the effect you are after.
This code runs under Intuition, but I didn't bother protecting myself
with a call to OwnBlitter() and DisownBlitter(). The routines adapt
themselves to whatever strange bitmaps you care to toss at it, and even